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Removed API Methods, Parameters or Schemas

The following table lists API methods, parameters and schemas removed with Talend Data Catalog 8.1 and the recommended methods, parameters and schemas to replace them. Please ensure your applications do not use any of these methods before upgrading to Talend Data Catalog 8.1.

Removal of API methods, parameters, or schemas


More information

POST /repository/databaseDocumentation/exportCSV

POST /repository/model/export

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to consolidate the import/export APIs

GET /repository/semanticTypes

GET /repository/dataClasses

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand "Semantic Type" as "Data Class"

GET /repository/semanticTypes/{objectId}

GET /repository/dataClasses/{objectId}

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand "Semantic Type" as "Data Class"

PUT /repository/semanticTypes/{objectId}

PUT /repository/dataClasses/{objectId}

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand "Semantic Type" as "Data Class"

POST /entities/executeMQLQuery parameter legacyEntityFormat

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. This function will always return results in the MQL Entity Format

POST /entities/getAttributeDistinctValueCounts

POST /entities/getAttributeValueCounts

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 as the new function is more efficient

POST /entities/getInferredSemanticObjects

POST /entities/executeMQLQuery

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Use the system attribute "Inferred Documentation" to get inferred documentation of the object

POST /dataMapping/exportExcel

POST /dataMapping/exportScript

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. The output of the new function can be edited by the user and imported back via POST /dataMapping/importScript

POST /entities/DataProfiling/{objectId} parameter hideData

new parameter sensitivityLabel

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Use sensitivity label to hide data

GET /types/listEntityTypes

GET /types/listObjectTypes

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand entity type as object type

GET /repository/customAttributes/{nameOrId}

POST /repository/metaModel/exportXML

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand custom attributes as Meta model attribute types. Export the Meta model to view the definition of any attribute type.

POST /operations/glossary/exportAndDownloadCSV

POST /repository/model/export

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Specify the objectIds parameter to export a term or a list of terms.

PUT /repository/setCustomAttributes

PUT /repository/setAttributes

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand custom attributes as Meta model attribute types.

GET /entities/DataProfiling/{objectId}

Removed the following fields in the result: totalSemanticTypeRows, invalidSemanticTypeValues and inferredSemanticTypes.

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Removed data classes from data profiling.

PUT /entities/DataProfiling/{objectId}

Removed the following fields in the Request body: totalSemanticTypeRows, invalidSemanticTypeValues and inferredSemanticTypes.

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Removed data classes from data profiling.

POST /entities/glossary parameter categoryPath

new parameter termPath

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Removed category from glossary.

GET /types/listAttributeTypes parameter entityType

new parameter objectType

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand entity type as object type.

GET /types/listGroupTypes parameter entityType

new parameter objectType

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand entity type as object type.

Schema Entity's field entityType

new field objectType

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand entity type as object type.

Schema Entity's field term

new field terms

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 as an object can be defined by multiple terms.

Schema Entity's field semanticTypes

new field dataClassifications

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to rebrand semantic type as data classification.

Enumeration type ReferenceType used by Schema GlossaryTermReference's type field

Replaced "More General" with "Specializes", "More Specific" with "Generalizes". Added "Possible Value" and "Possible Value Of".

New meta model relationships for Term

Schema ModelSettings_Create's field "Send email notification when an import"

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Notifications are sent to model watchers for model changes and metadata managers for import failures. There are no more notification options in the content.

Schema ModelSettings_Create_Data's field "Data hiding"

new field "Hide data using Sensitivity Label"

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 as Data hiding is controlled by the sensitivity label defined on the field

Schema ModelSettings_Set's field "Send email notification when an import"

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Notifications are sent to model watchers for model changes and metadata managers for import failures. There are no more notification options in the content.

Schema LIneageLink’s field lineageType

new field lineageTypeText

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0. Switched from the integer field lineageType to the string field lineageTypeText to be more descriptive.

Schema LineageNode’s field modifiers

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 as it is not useful for the users

Schema LineageTree’s field text

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 it is not useful for the users

The field of hideData in the schemas: DataClass and DataClassWithStatus

new field sensitivityLabel

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to use sensitivity label to hide data

GET /repository/dataClasses parameter hideDataOption

new parameter sensitivityLabelOption

Deprecated with Talend Data Catalog 8.0 to use sensitivity label to hide data

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