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Talend Data Catalog Bridges

New features and improvements

Feature Description

Google Cloud Spanner Database (via JDBC): new Driver location parameter

Added parameter Driver location for downloading JDBC drivers.

Google BigQuery: restored -driver.location option

Restored Miscellaneous option -driver.location.

Denodo Virtual DataPort: new support for relationships

Added support for relationships on views.

Any Database JDBC import: improved backup/restore function

Improved backup/restore function to skip saving/reading CSV files if there are no objects.

Microsoft SSIS: new support to control children items under checked parent.

Added possibility to control children items under checked parent.

Notable fixes

Issue Description

Oracle database (via JDBC): fails with "MITI.MIRException: The model is not consistent"

Fixed the expression analyzer for conditional lineage.

Hadoop Hive Database: data sampling/profiling does not work

Added profiling/sampling support. Redesigned JDBC profiling/sampling implementation to support it.

Snowflake Database (via JDBC): columns are not imported

Debug messages were improved to identify the issues about extracting features.

Added the Miscellaneous option -show.columns for extracting column metadata using the SHOW COLUMNS command.

MicroStrategy: extraction fails to get an attribute with exception on Spanish version of Windows

Added check for NULL attribute in expression.

Microstrategy: an invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x8e) was found in the value of attribute

Applied replaceSpecialCharacters function to description, operation, and comment to replace invalid characters.

Databricks Notebooks: cannot harvest notebook scripts stored in the repository

Added harvesting for notebook scripts stored in the repository.

SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: connections are not extracted for @prompt used in report queries

Improved parsing custom SQL queries with @prompt syntax.

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