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Create Local IdP Entity


  1. Navigate to Federation > Partnership Federation > Entities.
  2. Click Create Identity.
  3. Select the Entity type properties:
    • Entity Location - Local
    • New Entity Type - SAML2 IDP
  4. Click Next.
  5. Define the following properties for the Local IdP Entity:
    • Entity ID - samlIdp
    • Entity Name - samlIdp
    • Base URL - http://<identityProviderIPOrHost>:<port> (IP address of the server where SiteMinder is installed).
  6. Under Default Signature and Encryption Options, select the Signing Private Key Alias that you have created previously.
  7. Under Supported Name ID Formats and Attributes, select the Unspecified and Email Address check boxes.
  8. Click Next to confirm and to finalize the entity creation.

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