
Alan the Project Manager (Analysis and Requirements / Specifications Phase): Alan drives the project architecture and picks technologies to be used. He is in charge of designing the specifications along with business managers and developers.
Jim the developer (Development and Tests + Maintenance Phases): Jim designs and implements Jobs and components in the Development environment. They also create and run tests for the Jobs they designed, then pass these Jobs to Thomas. If needed, they can handle maintenance by fixing errors or improving the software to meet new technical requirements.
Thomas the Quality Assurance engineer (QA Tests Phase): Thomas creates and executes test suites on features and products using manual (based on user scenarios) and automated build tests (using Test Cases) in the QA environment. He also sends regular result reports to Megan.
Megan the Operation/Release Manager (Go Live Phase): Megan approves the release candidate build (RC) and deploys it to Production when she is sure all tests have passed.