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New features in Talend Management Console R2024-02

Features Description
UI improvements: new faceted search filters in Management page The user experience has been enhanced by replacing the drop-down lists with the new faceted search filters at the top of the tabs in the Management page.
For example, you can apply the Workspace, Type, Artifact, Trigger, Tags, Author, and State facets in the Tasks tab to filter the list.
Copy any connection to another workspace You can copy any connection type to another workspace for which you have access.
You can select a workspace directly from the Copy Connection dialog box.

For more information, see Duplicating connections.

New links to access plan details page directly from tasks To find the plans in which a task is running and see how this task is integrated in a plan, you can access the plan details page by clicking the plan name directly from:
  • the Plans tab of the Triggers and plans dialog box
  • the Last 5 runs section in the task details page
  • the Task run history page
New URLs for Talend Management Console application and Talend Cloud portal The Talend Management Console application URL is now https://app.<region> instead of https://tmc.<region>

The Talend Cloud portal URL is now https://app.<region> instead of https://portal.<region>

The redirections from the old URLs to the new ones have been set up. No action is required.

For more information, see Accessing Talend Cloud applications.

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