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Return an explanation about a matching group

Returns a detailed explanation about why data records in an existing matching group are matched and grouped together.
GET /services/rest/tasks/matching/explain/{container}/groups
  • container: This is a String value which represents the name of the container.
  • type: This is a String value which specifies the name of the entity.
  • group: This is a String value which represents the ID of the matching group.
  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: Basic Authentication scheme
Response A JSON response that gives a detailed explanation about why data records in an existing matching group are matched and grouped together.
  • 200 OK: The operation is executed successfully.
  • 401 UNAUTHORIZED: Login fails, invalid username or password.
  • 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR: Other errors.

Sample response

The format of the response for this REST API is same as the format of the response for Return a matching explanation about input records.

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