Timeout values for a Job using MDM components
Information noteDeprecation: Talend Master Data Management
(MDM) is deprecated and will reach end of life on December 31, 2024. For more information on
migrating from Talend MDM, contact
Talend Professional Services.
If a Job interacts with the MDM server using any of the MDM components tMDMDelete, tMDMOutput, tMDMInput, tMDMRouteRecord, tMDMSP, tMDMViewSearch and tMDMBulkLoad, you are recommended to increase the timeout values before executing the Job to help process a large number of data records.
You can customize two timeout values by providing the following parameters to the JVM:
- ws_client_connection_timeout which specifies the timeout value in milliseconds for connecting to the MDM server;
- ws_client_receive_timeout which specifies the timeout value in milliseconds for receiving data from the MDM server.
By default, their values are both 60,000 which corresponds to 60 seconds.
For more information about how to increase the timeout values, see Specifying the limits of VM memory for a Job or Route.