Use the unattended installation mode to automate the installation processes.
Instead of prompting the user for information at each step of the process, you provide
the full installation details in a text script.
The installation directory created is called
Talend and the license file used is located in the
/home/user/Talend_install_files directory.
You can also create a script for a custom installation
mode for Talend Installer. In this case, specify in your script the products and modules to install
as well as the configuration information of these products. For example, the
enable-components parameter allows you to
do a comma-separated list of these products, while the tacPort parameter allows you to specify the port to use for
Talend Administration Center.
Launch the silent installation using the --optionfile
<filename> command, where <filename>
is the name of the script which contains the list of pairs
To install Talend products as services using an installer, you must run the application as
Administrator or disable User Account Control. For more information on these
installation modes, see the Bitrock documentation.