Update (or create if not present) your Maven repository
settings.xml file for Maven deployment plugin authorization.
Go to the .m2/settings.xml file of your operating system home
directory (usually \Documents and Settings\<windows-user>
for Windows and /home/<user> for Linux) and add:
<settings><servers><server><id>myTomcat</id><username>tomcat</username><password>(defined in tomcat-users.xml configuration)</password></server></servers>
Where tomcat above is the name of the user you granted the
manager role(s) to in the previous section.
Check if the Java Security Extension installed:
To prevent the Illegal key size or default parameters exception,
update your Java SDK by downloading the Java(TM) Cryptography Extension (JCE)
Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 6. Follow the README in that download
for instructions on upgrading your JDK to support 256-bit encryption. (Another option
is to reduce the encryption level of the sample to 128-bit by following the
instructions in this sample's README file.)