Building a Linux shell script to convert clear text to Base64 encoding string
Talend MetaServlet string needs to be encoded to Base64 when requesting Talend Administration Center MetaServlet REST API.
To post a JSON script, take metaservlet - “addServer” as an example, as shown below. This JSON sample adds a new Jobserver/Runtime server into Talend Administration Center server page.
{"actionName": "addServer","adminConsolePort": 8040,"authPass": "admin","authUser":"admin@company.com",
"commandPort": 8000,"description": "RemoteRT", "filePort": 8001,"host": "",
"instance": "trun", "label": "Remote RT server auto-scaling","mgmtRegPort": 1099,
"mgmtServerPort": 44444,"monitoringPort": 8888,"runtimePassword": "tadmin",
"runtimeUsername": "tadmin","shutdownBehavior": "Stop",
"timeoutUnknownState": "120","useSSL": false}