Default start/stop
After starting the Talend Runtime Container, to start the Event Logging (EL) with the default profile, enter the following command at the console prompt:
Internal Derby Database,
Event Logging Server,
Event Logging Direct Receiver,
Event Logging REST Service,
Event Logging REST Sender,
Event Logging Agent,
Event Logging Log Listener,
Event Logging Locator Listener,
Event Logging SAM Listener.
Only the OSGi Listener is not started with the default profile, so if you want to use it, you have to manually start it with the following command:
Furthermore, if you want to use the Robust event processing feature to make sure none of the events are lost or skipped, as it is optional, it is not started by default with the tesb:start-el-default start command. So, you will have to start it manually as well by entering tesb:start-el-dlq at the console pompt. For more information about this feature, see Robust event processing.
You can shutdown the Event Logging with default profile by entering:
However, if you started additional manual components as described above, you will have to execute their corresponding tesb:stop-* command as well.