Configuring Service Locator in the Talend Runtime Container
On the Talend Runtime Container, to configure the properties of the locator feature, edit this file:
Here is a description for each of the fields:
Property name |
Description |
locator.endpoints | Specifies the endpoints of all Service Locator instances available to clients. A Service Locator client will arbitrarily pick one of these endpoints to connect to the Service Locator until a connection is established. If the property is not set, the default localhost endpoint of localhost:2181 will be used. |
endpoint.http.prefix | Necessary when running in a container where the stated endpoints are relative to the container. The default value is an empty string, but typically it will be preset to a value such as : http://localhost:8040/services in the configuration file. |
endpoint.https.prefix | Necessary when running in a container where the endpoint is only relative to the container and secured. The default value is an empty string, but typically it will be preset to a value such as : https://localhost:9001/services in the configuration file. |
locator.strategy | The endpoint selection strategy to use, as defined in the previous section. Acceptable values are defaultSelectionStrategy, randomSelectionStrategy and evenDistributionSelectionStrategy. |
locator.reloadAdressesCount | This parameter is relevant only for evenDistributionSelectionStrategy and randomSelectionStrategy. These strategies cache the list of endpoints returned by the locator for a fixed number of service calls set by this parameter. After this number of calls, the list of available addresses will be refreshed. Set this parameter to a high value to reduce the number of locator refreshes if your services are proving reliable (for example, few failovers occurring). |
connection.timeout | Specifies the time (ms) the Service Locator client waits for a connection to get established. Must be greater than zero, with a default of 5000 ms. |
session.timeout | Specifies the timeout period in ms of the session established with the server. Sessions are kept alive by requests sent by the client. If a session becomes idle for a period approaching this timeout value, the client will send a ping request to keep the session alive. Must be greater than zero and less than 60000ms (1 minute), by default 5000 ms. | and authentication.password | Authentication properties for the Service Locator Client. Uncomment them to enable the Service Locator client to communicate with a secured locator server. |
Here is an example of a org.talend.esb.locator.cfg file: