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Service Locator standalone installation


  1. Go into <TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper.
  2. Before starting Zookeeper, you need to provide a configuration file. Two configuration files are provided: <TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg, the default one, and zoo_sample.cfg. For a testing purpose, if you do not want to edit the default file, you can just rename the zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg.
    Edit it and change the settings as follows:
    • The tickTime refers to the basic unit of time measurement used by ZooKeeper, used for later configuration of timeouts and other parameters.

    • The dataDir holds database snapshots and transaction logs. Check the ZooKeeper Administration Manual for information on all possible parameters.

    • The clientPort number should be same as the endpointPrefix defined in LocatorFeature above.

  3. Once the zoo.cfg file configured, you can start or stop the zooKeeper by running:
    • <TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.cmd start/stop on Windows.

    • <TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/bin/ start/stop on Linux.


  4. Start the Container, for details on this please refer to .

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