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Create a Launch Configuration for Talend ESB
In the process of creating a dynamic Auto Scaling group, the first step is to
create a Launch Configuration which defines the AMI to be used and the whole
configuration around.
Before you begin
You have previously created an AMI from a Talend ESB
template. You
will use this AMI to create the Launch configuration.
Open EC2 console.
In Auto SCALING > Launch Configurations, click Create Launch Configuration.
In Choose AMI, click My AMIs. Select
the previously created AMI AMI - Talend ESB
- 07122016 in the list.
Then click Select.
In Choose an Instance Type, select
t2.medium with 2 CPUs and
4 GiB memory, for this demo.
Then click Next: Configure details.
Information noteTip: If you plan to install a real environment, you may need to
select a powerful instance type depending on your usage.
Please read
carefully the minimum and recommended values of a correct Talend ESB
installation concerning Memory usage.
In Create Launch Configuration, use the following
information and click Next : Add Storage.
In Add Storage, select 32 GiB for
this demo. Then click Next: Configure Security
Information noteTip: 8 GiB is the minimum size recommended. You may need to adjust
this size depending on your needs and use case.
In Configure Security Group, select the existing security
group Talend
- ESB Security Group.
Then click Review.
Review the details of the launch configuration then click Create
launch configuration.
Select your existing key pair or create a new one. Then click Create
Launch Configuration.