Numbers, dates and times formatting
Talend Data Stewardship automatically
formats number, date and date/time values when you load data into campaigns.
It uses space as thousand separator and dot as decimal separator and numbers are displayed accordingly in the task list.
It displays date and date/time following the international standard defined by ISO (ISO
8601), which defines a numerical date or date/time strings as follows:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss where:
- YYYY is a four-digit year.
- MM is a two-digit month.
- DD is a two-digit day.
- HH is two digits of hour.
- mm is two digits of minute.
- ss is two digits of second.
This built-in formatting is only visual. When you retrieve the actual data from the tasks in Talend Data Stewardship, you will have the initial integers or decimals values.