Configuring the incoming sub-route
Double-click the testMina component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.
- In the URI field, enter the code "timer:testOneWayMina?delay=1000&period=2000" to define a timer for starting message exchanges. In this use case, we want each message to be delivered after a 1-second delay at a period of 2 seconds.
Double-click the initializeRequest component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.
- Select Constant from the Language list box and type in "test message\n" in the Expression field.
Double-click the logRequest component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.
- In the URI field, enter "log:jobSocketIn" where the incoming message exchanges are logged.
Double-click the jobSocketIn component and click Advanced settings view in the Component tab.
In this use case, we will use the Camel component camel-mina as the transport. To
use this component, click
at the bottom of the Dependencies list to add a row and select mina from the drop-down list. For more information about Mina, see Camel Apache documentation.
Alternatively, you can use a cConfig component and add the library of MINA to the Dependencies list of the cConfig component. To do so, clickat the bottom of the Dependencies list to add a row. Select this row and click the [...] button at the end to show the Select Module wizard.
Select camel-mina-alldep-2.9.2.jar from the inner modules and click OK to add it to the Dependencies list. -
Click the Basic settings view in the Component tab of the jobSocketIn component. In the URI field, enter "mina:tcp://localhost:" + 8900 + "?textline=true&sync=false" to send the message to the Mina endpoint of a TCP service on port 8900 as a text line in the InOnly mode.
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