Dropping and linking the components for the provider
In the draft Job, a tESBProviderRequest and a
tESBProviderResponse are already selected and configured.
tESBProviderRequest will send a request to the specified Web
service and tESBProviderResponse will send back the response
corresponding to the request. These two components can be found in the
ESB group of the Palette.
Right-click tESBProviderRequest, hold and
drag to tESBProviderResponse to link these
two components.
Drop a tXMLMap in the middle of the row link from the
Palette and in the pop-up window, name the output
link as, for example, airport_response. This will also be used as the
name of the output table in the map editor of
Then your data service provider Job should look like:
The red cross icon prompts you to configure the
tXMLMap component.
From the Db Connections node of the
Repository tree view, drop the connection to the
airport data, the airport database table in this example, onto the
workspace. Then the Components wizard is opened.
For more information on how to create a database connection in the
Repository, see the Centralizing database
metadata section of the Talend Studio User Guide at https://help.talend.com.
For more information on how to create a database connection in the
Repository, see the Centralizing database
metadata section of the Talend Studio User Guide.
Double click tMysqlInput in this wizard
to create the corresponding component on the workspace and link it to
In this scenario, the airport data is composed of airport names and the
corresponding country codes. The following figure presents the database table in
Till now, you need only to configure tXMLMap as
the other components are already configured automatically.
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