User roles
Referring to the stages to build an analytical document, users of Talend DQ Portal platform can have a specific function assigned by the administrator.
Users can be classified into 4 different groups:
Administrator: deals with configuration and security aspects,
Developer: creates or modifies document templates,
Tester: verifies the formal correctness of the registered document templates and if they fulfil the requirements.
End-User: uses all the developed document templates in a Released state, according to his/her role and with the modalities previously defined in the parameters configuration by the BI administrator.
After developing the document template, you must update its state to Test. You can then test the document template, and depending on the test results, you can change the document state back to Development or to Released. When the document template is in the Released state, the end-user can use it in the end-user page of Talend DQ Portal. For detailed information on managing document templates, see Document management.
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