Ctrl + Z
Undo |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Ctrl + Y
Redo |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Space bar
Select/clear a check box |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Shift + F10
Right-click the select element |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Ctlr + A
Select all elements |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Shift + Up arrow
Shift + Down
Select multiple elements |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Ctrl + Alt + F
Enable/disable the Filter primitive fields option |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Ctrl + Alt + Space bar
Select/clear a node check box |
Choose parameters of the flattening
process and Choose parameters
of flattening process for outputs
Alt + O
Select a repeatable element as output when the Multi-output
option is selected. |
Choose parameters of the flattening process
Ctrl + C
Copy the elements selection states of the current output |
Choose parameters of flattening process for
Ctrl + V
Paste the copied elements selection states to the current
output |
Choose parameters of flattening process for
Ctrl + P
Propagate the elements selections states to the next suitable
outputs |
Choose parameters of flattening process for
Alt + Right
Go to the new output |
Choose parameters of flattening process for
Alt + Left
Go to the previous output |
Choose parameters of flattening process for