Configuring the child Job
In the Context view, add the following three variables,
leaving their values undefined:
- filename, type String
- tablename, type String
- directory, type String
Double-click the tFileInputDelimited component (labeled
Input_file) to open its Basic
settings view, and configure the component as follows:
- Open the schema editor and add a column data, and set
its type to Dynamic.
- Fill the File name/Stream field with the context
variables defined for file accessing: noteTip: Click in the field and press Ctrl+Shift to access a list of available variables.
- In the Header field, specify the number of rows at the
beginning of the files to skip.
In this example, the first row of each file is the header row.
- Leave the other settings as default.
- Open the schema editor and add a column data, and set
its type to Dynamic.
Double-click the tDBOutput component (labeled
Write_to_DB) to open its Basic
settings view, and configure the component as follows:
- Specify the database connection details, including the host name or IP address, the port number, and database name, and the authentication credentials.
- Fill the Table field with the context variable defined for the table name, context.tablename in this example.
- From the Action on table list, select Default.
- From the Action on data list, select Insert.
- Click Sync columns to ensure the schema is the same as the input component: a single column named data, type Dynamic.
- Leave other options as default.
- Press Ctrl + S to save the Job.
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