Talend modules compatibility
recommends you have all modules running the same version.
Talend Administration Center compatibility
When using Talend Administration Center, Talend’s client-managed modules, including Talend Studio and Talend Runtime, must be running the same version. While it is possible to have an older version of Talend JobServer, it is recommended to use the same version as Talend Administration Center.
Talend Management Console compatibility
When working with Talend Management Console, Talend’s client-managed modules, like Talend Studio, Talend Remote Engine, and Talend Runtime, are all compatible with each other in their supported product lifecycle versions, which are explained on this page.
Third-party application compatibility
The compatibility of third-party applications required for Talend
client-managed modules, such as Java runtime, application servers, and artifact
repository, is explained in the following documents: