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Creating a metadata definition

Creating a metadata definition allows you to set up reusable information across all of your components.

Before you begin

  • This tutorial makes use of a .csv file. If you do not have a .csv file, click the Downloads tab and save customers_unordered.csv.

  • This tutorial also makes use of another delimited file. If you do not have another delimited file, click the Downloads tab and save directors.txt.


  1. In the Repository, expand Metadata then right-click File delimited and click Create file delimited.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name.


  3. Optional: In the Purpose field, enter a purpose.


    Creating reusable metadata thanks to a .csv file
  4. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description.


    Reusable shareable customer metadata
    Information noteTip: Enter a Purpose and Description to stay organized.
  5. Click Next.
    You are brought to Step 2 in the wizard.
  6. Click Browse and select the file of your choice in the File Explorer.
  7. Click Next.
    You are brought to Step 3 in the wizard.
  8. Optional: Define the parse settings.


    • Under File Settings, select your Field Separator and change it, if needed.
      Information noteNote: The most common Field Separator is ;
    • Under Preview, select Set heading row as column names. The Header field automatically fills with the value 1, meaning the first row of your file has the file headers.
    Information noteTip: Under Preview, click Refresh Preview to check the parsing results.
  9. Click Next.
    You are brought to Step 4 in the wizard.
  10. Optional: In the Name field, enter a name.


  11. Optional: Update the Schema so it is identical to the structure of the sample file.


    Change the Number Type to String. A postcode number does not serve an arithmetic function.
  12. Click Finish.


In the Repository, under Metadata, you can find and use your metadata.

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