To avoid issues when sending requests, make sure that the Talend Cloud API Tester extension has sufficient permissions.
The Talend Cloud API Tester extension needs the Site access to be set to On all
sites. This can be defined while installing or later by right-clicking the
extension and clicking Manage extension.
If the full access is not granted, Talend Cloud API Tester displays a warning.
This access is required to bypass XHR limitations on some headers. If the access is not granted to the target
site, those headers are set by the browser, overwriting the ones set in the request
form. This means that Talend Cloud API Tester cannot
emulate calls sent by other HTTP clients.
The access can be restricted if the URLs you call via Talend Cloud API Tester are only supposed to be called by
web browsers. In this case, you can ignore the warning.
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