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IAppPublishAsync Method

Publishes an app. The published app can have a different name than the original app. All app objects are published. Generic objects, bookmarks, dimensions and measures inside the app are published.

An app can only be published once and cannot be published to more than one stream.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
Task PublishAsync(
	string streamId,
	string name = null,
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null


Type: SystemString
Identifier of the stream.
name (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Name of the published app. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not set, the engine automatically gives a new name to the published app.
asyncHandle (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asyncronous method request

Return Value

Type: Task
See Also