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IAppCreateGenericObjectAsync Method
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Public methodCreateGenericObjectAsync(GenericObjectProperties, AsyncHandle)

Creates a generic object at app level. For more information on generic objects, see Generic object definition.

It is possible to create a generic object that is linked to another object.

A linked object is an object that points to a linking object. The linking object is defined in the properties of the linked object (in qExtendsId).

The linked object has the same properties as the linking object.

The linking object cannot be a transient object.
Public methodCreateGenericObjectAsyncT(GenericObjectProperties, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Creates a generic object at app level. For more information on generic objects, see Generic object definition.

It is possible to create a generic object that is linked to another object.

A linked object is an object that points to a linking object. The linking object is defined in the properties of the linked object (in qExtendsId).

The linked object has the same properties as the linking object.

The linking object cannot be a transient object.
See Also