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Google Ads

The Qlik Google Ads Connector uses the Google Ads API to extract your advertising campaign information, such as customer information or campaign statistics, and load that data into your Qlik Sense app. You can also use the Google Ads Connector to build custom reports using Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) to gather data from most Ads API services.

Connecting to your data

You need to authenticate the connector with the Google account that has access to your Google Ads account. After you create a connection and select Google Ads as your data source, you will be redirected to a Google login page to retrieve your authentication token.

Creating a data source connection

Selecting data

After you authenticate the connector with your account credentials, use the tables to fetch your data. Some tables are preconfigured to access a specific set of data while others let you create custom queries.

Do the following:

  1. Select a table from the Tables column.
  2. Enter table parameters, if required.

    Required parameters are marked with a *.

  3. Click Data preview to see a sample of your data and to select the table fields that you want to load.

The table below outlines some of the use cases for some of the tables that are available.

Tables that can be loaded
Table Available in Description
Accounts 数据加载编辑器 Lists all accounts to which the Manager has access.
Reports 数据加载编辑器

Allows you to specify a report query using GAQL. For more information, see Google Ads Query Builder and Google Ads Query Language.

If you have an existing AdWords Query Language (AWQL), you can migrate it to GAQL. For more information, see Query Migration Tool.

Loading data into your Qlik Sense app

Once you have finished selecting data, you can load your data into your Qlik Sense app. How you proceed will depend on whether you load data with Add data or the Data load editor.

Add data

To load data using Add data, click Add data. This will open the data in the Associations view of the data manager. In the associations view, you can continue to add data sources, transform the data, and associate the tables in Data manager.

Data profiling is enabled by default when you click Add data. Data profiling does the following:

  • Recommends data associations.
  • Auto-qualifies common fields between tables. This adds a unique prefix based on table name.
  • Maps date and time fields to autoCalendar.

Tables are not associated on common field names automatically. You can associate tables in the Associations view.

Managing data associations


If you want to load the data directly into your app, click More and then disable data profiling.

When you add data with data profiling disabled, all existing data from data sources will be reloaded when you add the data. Tables will be associated on common field names automatically. Date and time fields will not be created.

Data load editor

To load data with the Data load editor, click Insert script once you are finished selecting the data. A load script is inserted into the script editor of the Data load editor. You can continue to edit the script in the script editor or you can click Load data to run the data load script.

Use the GAQL to build a report

You can use GAQL to load specific data from a specific Google Ads report type. GAQL is an SQL-type language that uses the same basic commands, such as SELECT, FROM, and DURING.

To learn more about GAQL, refer to the GAQL documentation.

Google Ads Query Language

Working with the Google API quota limits

You can refer to the Google Developer documentation to learn more about the requirements and restriction imposed by the Google Ads API.

API Limits and Quotas


You cannot load data from the Ads connector


You did not select the Manage your Google Ads Manager campaigns check-box on the consent screen when you were authenticating the connection.


Ensure that when you authorized the connection, you selected Manage your Google Ads Manager campaigns.


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