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Case block

The case block takes some type of input, evaluates whether it meets a condition, and executes different blocks depending on the value of that input and the condition.

Case block

A case block is commonly used in the following situations:

  • When your automation needs to evaluate the input before executing subsequent blocks.
  • When your automation needs to evaluate the input before making a choice on which block to execute next.

Configuring a case block

Configure the block to evaluate input before proceeding.


The case block requires an item to check as input and at least one case to evaluate. The item to check can be a field mapped item from a preceding block and the case must be a typed string or integer.

Case block input fields

case block inputs showing input and case fiels

The case block executes different subsequent blocks depending on the case evaluation.

Case block inside an automation

case block with a case and a stop block


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