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Store changes

These settings are only available when the Store changes replication mode is enabled.

On update

信息注释This setting is not relevant for SaaS application sources as changes are applied as INSERT operations.

Select Store before and after image to store both the pre-UPDATE data and the post-UPDATE data. When not selected, only the post-UPDATE data will be stored.

Change table creation

If change table exists when full load starts: Select one of the following to determine how to load the Change Tables when Full Load replication starts:

  • Drop and create change table: The table is dropped and a new table is created in its place.
  • Delete old changes and store new changes in existing change table: Data is truncated and added without affecting the table metadata.
  • Keep old changes and store new changes in existing change table: Data and metadata of the existing Change table are not affected.

Table header columns

更改表头列提供有关更改处理操作的信息,如操作类型(例如 INSERT)、提交时间等。如果不需要所有此类信息,可以配置 移动 任务以创建具有选定表头列(或根本没有表头列)的更改表,从而减少它们在目标数据库中的占用空间。


For a description of the header columns, see 更改表格.


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