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Error handling


Apply conflicts

Duplicate key when applying INSERT: Select what action to take when there is a conflict with an INSERT operation.

信息注释When replicating from SaaS application sources, only the UPDATE the existing target record action is supported.
  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.


  • UPDATE the existing target record: The target record with the same primary key as the INSERTED source record is updated.

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

No record found for applying an UPDATE: Select what action to take when there is a conflict with an UPDATE operation.

信息注释从 SaaS 应用程序源进行复制时,这些设置不可用。
  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • INSERT the missing target record: The missing target record will be inserted into the target table. When the source endpoint is Oracle, selecting this option requires supplemental logging to be enabled for all the source table columns.

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.


Data errors

Data truncation errors


  • 忽略:任务将继续,并忽略该错误。
  • 将记录记录到异常表(默认):任务继续进行,并将错误写入异常表。
  • 挂起表:任务继续进行,但带有错误记录的表中的数据会移动到错误状态,并且不会复制其数据
  • 停止任务:任务已停止,需要手动干预。

Data truncation error handling is supported in Apply Changes replication mode only (not Full Load).

Other data errors


  • 忽略:任务将继续,并忽略该错误。
  • 将记录记录到异常表(默认):任务继续进行,并将错误写入异常表。
  • 挂起表:任务继续进行,但带有错误记录的表中的数据会移动到错误状态,并且不会复制其数据
  • 停止任务:任务已停止,需要手动干预。

Escalating data error handling

当其他数据错误达到时,升级错误处理(按表):选中此复选框可在非截断数据错误数(按表)达到指定数量时升级错误处理。有效值为 1-10,000。


  • 挂起表(默认值):任务继续进行,但带有错误记录的表中的数据会移动到错误状态,并且不会已移动其数据。



    • 事务应用模式中,不会已移动上次的更改。

    • 批量优化应用模式中,可能会出现数据完全不已移动或仅部分已移动的情况。

  • 停止任务:任务已停止,需要手动干预。
  • 将记录记录到异常表:任务继续进行,并将记录写入异常表。

Table errors


  • 挂起表(默认值):任务继续进行,但带有错误记录的表中的数据会移动到错误状态,并且不会复制其数据
  • 停止任务:任务已停止,需要手动干预。

当表格错误达到时,升级错误处理(按表):选中此复选框可在表错误数(按表)达到指定数量时升级错误处理。有效值为 1-10,000。


Apply conflicts

信息注释从 SaaS 应用程序源进行复制时,这些设置不可用。

No record found for applying a DELETE: Select what action is taken when there is a conflict with a DELETE operation.

  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • Log record to the exceptions table: The task continues and the record is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.
  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Escalating Apply conflicts error handling

Escalate error handling when apply conflicts reach (per table): Select this check box to escalate error handling when the number of apply conflicts (per table) reaches the specified amount. Valid values are 1-10,000.

Escalation action: Choose what should happen when error handling is escalated:

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues, but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.


    The behavior differs according to the Change Processing Mode:

    • In Transactional apply mode, the last changes will not be replicated

    • In Batch optimized apply mode, a situation is possible where there will be no replication of data or data replication will be partial.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Environmental errors

  • 最大重试数选择此选项,然后指定发生可恢复环境错误时重试任务的最大尝试次数。重试任务达到指定次数后,任务将停止,需要手动干预。



    • 重试间隔(秒)使用计数器选择或键入系统在尝试重试任务之间等待的秒数。

      有效值为 0-2000。

  • 延长长时间停机的重试间隔选中此复选框可增加长时间停机的重试间隔。启用此选项后,每次重试之间的间隔将加倍,直到达到最大重试间隔(并根据指定的最大间隔继续重试)。
    • 最大重试间隔(秒)使用计数器选择或键入在启用增加长时间中断的重试间隔选项时任务重试之间等待的秒数。有效值为 0-2000。


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