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Talend CommandLine API

The exhaustive help for all commands that you get when you type the -help command in your Talend CommandLine application.

If you do not use the latest version of the Talend CommandLine, some of the following commands might not be available, and we recommend you to refer to the help command of your current Talend CommandLine version.


|Talend Commandline Plugin :                                                                       |
| * arguments can be surrounded by (") or (') characters                                           |
| * the semi-colon (;) character can be used to separate commands from each other                  |
| * special characters (space \ " ' ;) can be escaped using the character (\)                      |
|Usage:                                                                                            |
| [addReference -ref <references> buildItemSources <item-id> -im <main-job-only>|-iv               |
|<item-version> buildJob <jobName> -af <filename>|-ant|-az|-bin|-bt <build type>|-dd               |
|<path>|-em|-eo|-et|-ic|-ijs|-il|-its|-jactc|-jall <log4j level name>|-jc <context                 |
|name>|-jstats|-jt <type>|-jv <version>|-maven|-od|-tc buildRoute <routeName> -af                  |
|<filename>|-az|-bt <build type>|-dd <path>|-em|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jstats|-jv              |
|<version>|-maven|-od cancelGroup changeMavenVersion <maven-version> -if <filterExpr>|-sj|-ss      |
|changeStatus <newStatusCode> -d|-if <filterExpr> changeVersion <newVersion (x.x | nextMajor |     |
|nextMinor)> -d|-flv|-if <filterExpr> checkAndUpdate -tu <user>|-tup <password> createJob          |
|<jobName> -o|-sf <file path> createProject -pa <author login>|-pap <password>|-pd                 |
|<description>|-pl <language (java/perl)>|-pn <technical name> createTask <taskName> -a|-asce|-b   |
|<branch name>|-d <description>|-ese|-esn <execution server>|-jactc|-jc <job context>|-jn <job     |
|name>|-jv <job version>|-ouj <on unavailable jobserver>|-ousj <unknown state job>|-pn <project    |
|name>|-rjc deleteItems -if <filterExpr> deleteReference -ref <references> deployJobToServer       |
|<jobName> -es <name>|-jactc|-jall <level>|-jc <context name>|-jv <version>|-pd <password>|-sp     |
|<port>|-tp <port>|-un <username>|-useSSL detectCVE -ci <cve-index-file>|-from <from-version>|-inf |
|<include-not-fixed>|-rf <report-file>|-to <to-version> executeAllJob -i <path>|-if                |
|<filterExpr>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1> [<key=value2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt      |
|<time (in sec)> executeJob <jobName> -i <path>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1>        |
|[<key=value2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt <time (in sec)>|-jv <version> executeJobOnServer <jobName>    |
|-es <name>|-jactc|-jall <level>|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1> [<key=value2> ...]|-jrrd     |
|<jobResultDestDir>|-jsp <port>|-jtp <port>|-jv <version>|-pd <password>|-ra <runas>|-un           |
|<username>|-useSSL executeReport -n <name>|-p <path>|-pc <context name> executeRoute <routeName>  |
|-i <path>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <context param1> [<context param2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt |
|<time out>|-jv <version1> [<version2> ...] exportAllJob -dd <path>|-if <filterExpr>|-jactc|-jall  |
|<log4j level name>|-jc <context name> exportAsCWM <dbConnectionName> -dd <path> exportItems       |
|<destination (dir|.zip)> -d|-if <filterExpr> exportJob <jobName> -af <filename>|-ant|-dd          |
|<path>|-eo|-jactc|-jall <log4j level name>|-jc <context name>|-jstats|-jv <version>|-maven        |
|exportRoute <routeName> -af <filename>|-az|-bt <build type>|-dd <path>|-em|-jactc|-jc <context    |
|name>|-jstats|-jv <version>|-maven|-od exportService <serviceName> -af <filename>|-dd             |
|<path>|-maven|-sv <version> generateAuditReport <auditId> -fp <filePath>|-t <template>            |
|generateMigrationReport -dp <dataPath (dir)>|-from <from_version>|-ps <projects>|-rp <reportPath  |
|(dir)>|-to <to_version1> [<to_version2> ...] getCommandStatus <commandId> -ci <index> help        |
|<commandName> helpFilter importDatabaseMetadata <filePath> importDelimitedMetadata <filePath>     |
|importItems <source (dir|.zip)> -if <filterExpr>|-im|-o|-s|-sl initLocal initRemote <adminUrl>    |
|-p64|-ul <login>|-up <password> listCloudWorkspaces -n <name>|-p <password>|-r <url>|-u           |
|<username> listCommand -a|-q|-r listExecutionServer listItem -if <filterExpr>|-m listJob          |
|listProject -b listRoute listService logoffProject logonProject -br <branch>|-gt|-pn <technical   |
|name>|-ro|-ul <login>|-up <password> mCreateServer <serverName> -pd <password>|-u <url>|-un       |
|<username> mDeployItem -on <object name>|-ot <object type>|-ov <object version>|-sn <server       |
|name>|-sp <server password> mDeployJob <jobName1> [<jobName2> ...] -c <object name>|-ov <object   |
|version>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mDeployWorkflow <workflowName1> [<workflowName2> |
|...] -ov <object version>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mExportDataContainer -dn <data  |
|container name>|-path <zip file path>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password>                     |
|mImportDataContainer -d|-path <zip file path>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mListServer |
|mUnDeployItem -on <object name>|-ot <object type>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password>         |
|mUpdateServer -sn <server name>|-sp <server password> migrationCheck -dp <dataPath (dir)>         |
|populateAndGenerateReport -dd <driver>|-du <user>|-fp <filePath>|-ju <jdbc_url>|-t <template>|-up |
|<password> populateAudit -dd <driver>|-du <user>|-ju <jdbc_url>|-up <password> publishAction      |
|<actionName> -i|-na|-p <password>|-r <url>|-u <username>|-v <version>|-w <workspace> publishJob   |
|<jobName> -a <artifactId>|-g <group>|-jactc|-jc <contextName>|-p <password>|-pv <version>|-r      |
|<url>|-rt <repository-type>|-s|-t <exportType>|-u <username>|-v <version> publishRoute            |
|<routeName> -a <artifactId>|-g <group>|-p <password>|-pv <version>|-r <url>|-rt                   |
|<repository-type>|-s|-u <username>|-v <version> publishService <serviceName> -a <artifactId>|-g   |
|<group>|-p <password>|-pv <version>|-r <url>|-rt <repository-type>|-s|-u <username>|-v <version>  |
|regenerateAllPoms -if <filterExpr> setUserComponentPath -c|-up <path> showVersion startGroup -o   |
|<infor> stopGroup stopServer -f]                                                                  |
|  addReference                                                      Create project reference      |
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName/branches(tags)/bra|
|                                                                    nchName(tagName), '|' as      |
|                                                                    separator if add many         |
|                                                                    projects                      |
|  buildItemSources item-id                                          Build the source code of one  |
|                                                                    job or route from it's        |
|                                                                    internal id                   |
|      -im (--main-job-only) main-job-only                           Flag controls whether to      |
|                                                                    build main job only           |
|      -iv (--item-version) item-version                             Version of the item needed    |
|  buildJob jobName                                                  buildJob in commandline       |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -ant (--add-ant-script)                                       export job with ant build     |
|                                                                    script(deprecated)            |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bin (--binaries)                                             export binaries when building |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type (Job by |
|                                                                    default)                      |
|                                                                    argument:Job|Microservice     |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -eo (--export-osgi)                                           export job to osgi system     |
|      -et (--execute-tests)                                         execute tests when building   |
|                                                                    job with maven                |
|      -ic (--include-context)                                       include context when building |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -ijs (--include-java-source)                                  include java source codes     |
|                                                                    when building job with maven  |
|      -il (--include-libs)                                          include libs when building    |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -its (--include-test-source)                                  include test source codes     |
|                                                                    when building job with        |
|                                                                    maven(deprecated)             |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions(deprecated)      |
|      -jt (--job-type) type                                         export the type of job        |
|                                                                    (PROCESS by default)          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script(deprecated)            |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|      -tc (--add-test-containers)                                   export job with test          |
|                                                                    cases(deprecated)             |
|  buildRoute routeName                                              build routes                  |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type         |
|                                                                    (Runtime by default)          |
|                                                                    argument:Runtime|Microservice |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|  cancelGroup                                                       cancel command group          |
|  changeMavenVersion maven-version                                  Change Maven version of jobs  |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -sj (--subjobs)                                               Include all sub jobs          |
|      -ss (--snapshot)                                              Use Snapshot                  |
|  changeStatus newStatusCode                                        changes items status          |
|                                                                    Note: If you use the "-d" arg |
|                                                                    with the item filter          |
|                                                                    together, we will do the      |
|                                                                    filter first and then get the |
|                                                                    dependences of the filter     |
|                                                                    items, finally change all of  |
|                                                                    them.                         |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           update the dependencies       |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  changeVersion newVersion (x.x | nextMajor | nextMinor)            changes items version         |
|                                                                    Note: If you use the "-d" arg |
|                                                                    with the item filter          |
|                                                                    together, we will do the      |
|                                                                    filter first and then get the |
|                                                                    dependences of the filter     |
|                                                                    items, finally change all of  |
|                                                                    them.                         |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           update the dependencies       |
|      -flv (--fix-latest-version)                                   fixing latest version         |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  checkAndUpdate                                                    update from archiva server    |
|                                                                    which returnd by a specific   |
|                                                                    TAC                           |
|      -tu (--tac-user-name) user                                    name of a tac user            |
|      -tup (--tac-user-password) password                           password of a tac user        |
|  createJob jobName                                                 create job from script file   |
|      -o (--over_write)                                             to overwrite if job existed   |
|      -sf (--script_file) file path                                 job of script file            |
|  createProject                                                     creates a project             |
|      -pa (--project-author) author login                           project author (email)        |
|      -pap (--project-author-password) password                     password of author            |
|      -pd (--project-description) description                       project description           |
|      -pl (--project-language) language (java/perl)                 project language              |
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  |
|  createTask taskName                                                                             |
|      -a (--active)                                                 active                        |
|      -asce (--add-statistics-code-enable)                          enabled statistics code       |
|      -b (--project-branch) branch name                             project branch                |
|      -d (--description) description                                project description           |
|      -ese (--execStatisticsEnabled)                                statistic enable              |
|      -esn (--excution-server) execution server                     execution server              |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) job context                               job-context                   |
|      -jn (--job-name) job name                                     job name                      |
|      -jv (--job-version) job version                               job-version                   |
|      -ouj (--on-unavailable-jobserver) on unavailable jobserver                                  |
|      -ousj (--on-unknown-state-job) unknown state job              provide the unknown state job |
|      -pn (--project-name) project name                             project name                  |
|      -rjc (--regenerate-job-on-change)                             regenerate job on change      |
|  deleteItems                                                       delete items                  |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  deleteReference                                                   Delete project reference      |
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName, '|' as separator |
|                                                                    if add many projects          |
|  deployJobToServer jobName                                         Deploy job to server          |
|      -es (--execution-server) name                                 execution [virtual] server    |
|                                                                    name                          |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-log4j-level) level                               log4j level                   |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -pd (--jobserver-password) password                           jobserver password            |
|      -sp (--statistics-port) port                                  statistics port               |
|      -tp (--trace-port) port                                       trace port                    |
|      -un (--jobserver-username) username                           jobserver username            |
|      -useSSL (--use-ssl-option)                                    use ssl Protocol or not       |
|  detectCVE                                                         Detect jobs impacted by CVEs  |
|      -ci (--cve-index-file) cve-index-file                         CVE index file(.csv format)   |
|      -from (--from-version) from-version                           From version(monthly patch    |
|                                                                    version), for example:        |
|                                                                    R2022-01                      |
|      -inf (--include-not-fixed) include-not-fixed                  Include not fixed CVE in      |
|                                                                    report or not                 |
|      -rf (--report-file) report-file                               Report file path              |
|      -to (--to-version) to-version                                 To version(monthly patch      |
|                                                                    version), for example:        |
|                                                                    R2022-01                      |
|  executeAllJob                                                     executes all                  |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time (in sec)                             timeout of execution          |
|  executeJob jobName                                                executes                      |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time (in sec)                             timeout of execution          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|  executeJobOnServer jobName                                        executes on server            |
|      -es (--execution-server) name                                 execution [virtual] server    |
|                                                                    name                          |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-log4j-level) level                               log4j level                   |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrrd (--job-result-destination-dir) jobResultDestDir         job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jsp (--job-statistics-port) port                             setup the statistics port     |
|      -jtp (--job-trace-port) port                                  setup the trace port          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -pd (--jobserver-password) password                           jobserver password            |
|      -ra (--run-as-user) runas                                     run as user                   |
|      -un (--jobserver-username) username                           jobserver username            |
|      -useSSL (--use-ssl-option)                                    use ssl Protocol or not       |
|  executeReport                                                     Execute reports               |
|      -n (--name) name                                              Report names                  |
|      -p (--path) path                                              Report file pathes (relative  |
|                                                                    path, e.g. /Project/TDQ_Data  |
|                                                                    Profiling/Reports/File).      |
|      -pc (--report-context) context name                           chooses a report context      |
|  executeRoute routeName                                            executeRoute                  |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-para) context param [context param ...]   provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time out                                  timeout of execution          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version [version ...]                     chooses a job version         |
|  exportAllJob                                                      exports all                   |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|  exportAsCWM dbConnectionName                                      export a db metadata as CWM   |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|  exportItems destination (dir|.zip)                                exports items                 |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           include dependencies          |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  exportJob jobName                                                 exportJob in commandline      |
|                                                                    (deprecated)                  |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -ant (--add-ant-script)                                       export job with ant build     |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -eo (--export-osgi)                                           export job to osgi system     |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|  exportRoute routeName                                             export routes (deprecated)    |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type         |
|                                                                    (Runtime by default)          |
|                                                                    argument:Runtime|Microservice |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|  exportService serviceName                                         export service                |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export service with maven     |
|                                                                    build script                  |
|      -sv (--service-version) version                               chooses a service version     |
|  generateAuditReport auditId                                       Generate the audit report     |
|      -fp (--filePath) filePath                                     filePath                      |
|      -t (--template) template                                      Template of Audit             |
|  generateMigrationReport                                           Generate migration check      |
|                                                                    report for upgrade safe       |
|                                                                    guarding                      |
|      -dp (--data-path) dataPath (dir)                              a valid dir to load migration |
|                                                                    check data                    |
|      -from (--from-version) from_version                           migration check report source |
|                                                                    product version               |
|      -ps (--projects) projects                                     migration check report        |
|                                                                    projects  sepereated by |     |
|      -rp (--report-path) reportPath (dir)                          report path                   |
|      -to (--to-version) to_version [to_version ...]                migration check report target |
|                                                                    product version               |
|  getCommandStatus commandId                                        gets command status           |
|      -ci (--childIndex) index                                      child index in Group Command  |
|                                                                    (if other commands, will be   |
|                                                                    ignore)                       |
|  help commandName                                                  shows help or detailed help   |
|  helpFilter                                                        shows filter help             |
|  importDatabaseMetadata filePath                                   imports database metadata     |
|  importDelimitedMetadata filePath                                  imports delimited metadata    |
|  importItems source (dir|.zip)                                     imports items                 |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -im (--implicit)                                              import implicit               |
|      -o (--overwrite)                                              overwrite existing items      |
|      -s (--status)                                                 import the status             |
|      -sl (--statslogs)                                             import stats & logs params    |
|  initLocal                                                         init local repository         |
|  initRemote adminUrl                                               init remote repository        |
|      -p64 (--password64)                                           Use base64 to decode password |
|      -ul (--user-login) login                                      user login                    |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  listCloudWorkspaces                                               list all available workspaces |
|                                                                    for user (and action)         |
|                                                                    (deprecated)                  |
|      -n (--name) name                                              action name                   |
|      -p (--password) password                                      cloud user password           |
|      -r (--url) url                                                inventory service URL         |
|      -u (--username) username                                      cloud user login name         |
|  listCommand                                                       lists commands                |
|      -a (--all)                                                    lists all commands            |
|      -q (--queue)                                                  lists queue(waitting)         |
|                                                                    commands                      |
|      -r (--run)                                                    lists running commands        |
|  listExecutionServer                                               lists [virtual] execution     |
|                                                                    servers                       |
|  listItem                                                          lists items                   |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -m (--metadata)                                               show item's metadata          |
|  listJob                                                           lists jobs                    |
|  listProject                                                       lists available projects      |
|      -b (--branch)                                                 Show branch projects in svn   |
|  listRoute                                                         lists routes                  |
|  listService                                                       lists services                |
|  logoffProject                                                     logs off                      |
|  logonProject                                                      logs on a project             |
|      -br (--branch) branch                                         branches/<branchName> ,       |
|                                                                    tags/<tagName>                |
|      -gt (--generate-templates)                                    generate templates            |
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  |
|      -ro (--readOnly)                                              readOnly on current project   |
|      -ul (--user-login) login                                      user login                    |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  mCreateServer serverName                                          <MDM Command>:Create a server |
|                                                                    definition.                   |
|      -pd (--password) password                                     password used to connect      |
|                                                                    server, this argument is      |
|                                                                    optional, if it is not        |
|                                                                    appointed, the created server |
|                                                                    definition is not shared      |
|      -u (--url) url                                                url of the server             |
|      -un (--username) username                                     user name used to connect     |
|                                                                    server                        |
|  mDeployItem                                                       <MDM Command>:Deploy an item  |
|                                                                    object to MDM server          |
|      -on (--object-name) object name                               The Object name which will be |
|                                                                    deployed to server            |
|      -ot (--object-type) object type                               Object type.Optional          |
|                                                                    argument:CustomLayout|DataCont|
|                                                                    ainer|DataModel|Menu|Role|Reso|
|                                                                    urce|ServiceConfig|StoredProc||
|                                                                    Trigger|View|Process          |
|      -ov (--object-version) object version                         The Object of this version    |
|                                                                    will be deployed to server    |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mDeployJob jobName [jobName ...]                                  <MDM Command>:Deploy a job    |
|                                                                    object to MDM server          |
|      -c (--context) object name                                    The context script of job     |
|                                                                    object                        |
|      -ov (--object-version) object version                         The Object of this version    |
|                                                                    will be deployed to server    |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mDeployWorkflow workflowName [workflowName ...]                   <MDM Command>:Deploy a        |
|                                                                    workflow object to MDM        |
|                                                                    serverserver                  |
|      -ov (--object-version) object version                         The Object of this version    |
|                                                                    will be deployed to server    |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mExportDataContainer                                              <MDM Command>:Export data     |
|                                                                    container content from MDM    |
|                                                                    server                        |
|      -dn (--datacontainer-name) data container name                Name of the data container    |
|      -path (--zip-path) zip file path                                                            |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mImportDataContainer                                              <MDM Command>:Import data     |
|                                                                    container content to MDM      |
|                                                                    server                        |
|      -d (--on-demand)                                              Automatically create data     |
|                                                                    container if it doesn't exist |
|      -path (--zip-path) zip file path                                                            |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mListServer                                                       <MDM Command>:List all server |
|                                                                    definitions in current        |
|                                                                    project.                      |
|  mUnDeployItem                                                     <MDM Command>:Undeploy an     |
|                                                                    item object from MDM server   |
|      -on (--object-name) object name                               The Object name which will be |
|                                                                    deployed to server            |
|      -ot (--object-type) object type                               Object type.Optional          |
|                                                                    argument:CustomLayout|DataCont|
|                                                                    ainer|DataModel|Menu|Role|Reso|
|                                                                    urce|ServiceConfig|StoredProc||
|                                                                    SyncPlan|Trigger|Version|View||
|                                                                    Process|Job|Workflow          |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mUpdateServer                                                     <MDM Command>:Deploy all      |
|                                                                    modified object to server     |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  migrationCheck                                                    Migration check for upgrade   |
|                                                                    safe guarding                 |
|      -dp (--data-path) dataPath (dir)                              a valid dir to save migration |
|                                                                    check data                    |
|  populateAndGenerateReport                                         Populate and generate audit   |
|                                                                    report                        |
|      -dd (--db-driver) driver                                      the driver of database        |
|      -du (--db-user) user                                          the user of database          |
|      -fp (--filePath) filePath                                     filePath                      |
|      -ju (--jdbc-url) jdbc_url                                     jdbc url for database         |
|      -t (--template) template                                      Template of Audit             |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  populateAudit                                                     Populate data into database   |
|      -dd (--db-driver) driver                                      the driver of database        |
|      -du (--db-user) user                                          the user of database          |
|      -ju (--jdbc-url) jdbc_url                                     jdbc url for database         |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  publishAction actionName                                          publish action into cloud     |
|                                                                    workspace (deprecated)        |
|      -i (--image)                                                  publish action with           |
|                                                                    screenshot                    |
|      -na (--not_accelerate)                                        don't accelerate the publish  |
|      -p (--password) password                                      cloud user password           |
|      -r (--url) url                                                inventory service URL         |
|      -u (--username) username                                      cloud user login name         |
|      -v (--version) version                                        action publishing version     |
|      -w (--workspace) workspace                                    target workspace              |
|  publishJob jobName                                                publish job to Artifact       |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a job group           |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      specify this parameter if you |
|                                                                    want to apply context to      |
|                                                                    children                      |
|      -jc (--job-context) contextName                               specify which job context you |
|                                                                    want to use through inputing  |
|                                                                    the job context name          |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -t (--type) exportType                                        set export type, can be [osgi |
|                                                                    | standalone (or std)]; osgi  |
|                                                                    by default                    |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a job version         |
|  publishRoute routeName                                            publish route to Artifact     |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a route group         |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a route version       |
|  publishService serviceName                                        publish service to Artifact   |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a service group       |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a service version     |
|  regenerateAllPoms                                                 Regenerate all poms           |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  setUserComponentPath                                              Set user component path       |
|      -c (--clear)                                                  clear the user component path |
|      -up (--userComponentPath) path                                user component path           |
|  showVersion                                                       shows product version         |
|  startGroup                                                        start command group           |
|      -o (--origin) infor                                           add some origin informations  |
|  stopGroup                                                         stop command group            |
|  stopServer                                                        stops server                  |
|      -f (--force)                                                  don't wait for queued         |
|                                                                    commands                      |
| Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Talend -                                                  |

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