Configuring target engines during the distribution
The configuration of targets is performed on the source machine, when distributing a target table. However, more configurations may be available on the target machine once the distribution is performed.
General procedure is the following:
Choose the type of database.
Choose the database source or enter a connection string and click Test.
Choose the syntax for the table name.
Choose the default database.
Depending on the type of target, the connection can be made in ODBC or in native.
To choose a source database it needs to have been created previously.
One option is to enter the string connection ODBC. For example for SQL Server:
DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0}; SERVER=WFRDEV01\INST1; UID=sa; PWD=gamma
Creating the DSN on each target
You must then create the DSN (ODBC Data Source Name) on the target machine, to reference the desired database.
In a 64-bit computer, you must use the 32-bit version of the ODBC administrator (odbcad32.exe).
You can find it in the sub-directory SysWOW64 of the Windows directory.