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Configuring a component to read a delimited file

Talend Studio components allow you to complete specific actions. You can add them to Jobs. You can use the tFileInputDelimited component to read a delimited file, for example.

Before you begin

This tutorial makes use of a .csv file. If you do not have a .csv file, download the following folder and extract the file:


  1. Click inside the Designer.
  2. Enter tFileInputDelimited and select the component of the same name.
  3. In the Designer, double-click the tFileInputDelimited component.
    1. Click the […] button next to the File Name/Stream field.
    2. Select the file of your choice in the File Explorer.
    3. Optional: Check your file's Field Separator and change it, if needed.
      Information noteNote: The most common Field Separator is ;


You have added a tFileInputDelimited component and selected a file to be read.

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