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Deploy Talend Administration Center on AWS EC2

Let’s launch an EC2 instance and deploy Talend Administration Center on AWS which is the main component of this architecture.


  1. Connect to EC2 console in Ireland region.
  2. Click Launch instance.
  3. Choose AMI, Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM) 64 bit is a good fit for this demo.
  4. Select t2.medium which is a good fit for this demo.
  5. Configure Instance Details.
    • Choose your default VPC
    • Enable Auto-assign Public IP
    • Keep other settings with default values
  6. Add Storage, Size = 16 GiB.
  7. Add Tags, Key = Name and Value = Talend Administration Center .
  8. Configure Security Group.
    • Add an SSH rule with values:
      • Type = SSH
      • Protocol = TCP
      • Port Range = 22
      • Source = Custom
    • Add a custom TCP rule with values:
      • Type = Custom TCP Rule
      • Protocol = TCP
      • Port Range = 8080
      • Source = Custom
  9. Review and Launch.
    • Ignore the warning on security group for this time even if you should avoid opening ports to in real environments.

      Take note of the security group id as it will be needed when creating the security group of the Talend JobServer.

  10. Launch the instance.
  11. Follow the section Installing and configuring Talend Administration Center in Talend Installation Guide to install and configure Talend Administration Center on the EC2 instance you just launched.

    Once you have installed Talend Administration Center on the EC2 instance, verify that you can connect to Talend Administration Center Web interface using your favorite web browser.

    The Talend Administration Center URL to use should look like this: http://<PUBLIC_IP_OF_YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE>:8080/tac, where <PUBLIC_IP_OF_YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE> being the public IP of the EC2 instance hosting the Talend Administration Center. This information is available in the instance details on AWS EC2 console.

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