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Create a bucket


  1. Connect to AWS S3 console.
  2. Click Create bucket.
    • Bucket name = talend-lambda-demos
    • Region = EU (Ireland)
  3. Click Next.
  4. Set properties: keep default values.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Set permissions:
    1. Click Manage public permissions.
    2. Add Read/Write permissions on Objects for Any Authenticated AWS user.
  7. Click Next and review.
  8. Click Create bucket.

    The bucket is created. Now, let's create two folders inside the bucket:

    • the input folder: files will be dropped into this folder.
    • the output folder: Talend Job will write results into this folder.
  9. Click Create folder, type input as the name then click Save.

    Click again Create folder, type output as the name then click Save.

    You have successfully created your bucket containing two folders in Ireland region.

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