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Build and deploy the Job

In the previous step, you have run the Job in your local Talend Studio to test it. But the goal is to deploy this Job on the Talend environment hosted on AWS. Then, this Job will be automatically executed whenever a file is uploaded in the input folder on S3.

Let’s build and deploy the Job.


  1. Build the Job in Talend Studio via the following steps:
    1. In Talend Studio, right-click the Job customers_csv_to_xml then select Build Job.
    2. Specify the path for the archive file in the To archive file field.
    3. Select Standalone Job from the Select the build type drop-down list.
    4. Click Finish.
  2. Connect to Talend Administration Center.
  3. In the menu tree view, click Projects.
  4. Create a new project Demos.
  5. Go to Settings > Project authorizations. Then add read/write permissions on project Demos for user you are connected with.
  6. In the menu tree view, click Conductor > Job Conductor.
  7. Click on Add > Normal Task.
  8. In the Label field, enter customers_csv_to_xml.
  9. Click on the Import zip icon and upload the Job zip file. This should automatically fill other fields except the execution server.
    Information noteNote: If you have trouble on uploading the zip file, this can be related to the size of the zip file and the latency between your location and AWS cloud causing upload timeout on Talend Administration Center side. Possible workaround: launch a windows ec2 instance in the same region/vpc than Talend Administration Center, upload the zip file to this instance then use the web browser in this windows ec2 instance to upload the zip file.
  10. Select job server as execution server.
  11. Review your settings then click Save.
  12. Again you can test the Job by doing these steps:
    1. In Job Conductor, set the context values aws_secret_access_key, aws_access_key_id and s3_file (full path with folder, e.g. input/customers.csv).
    2. Deploy the task.
    3. Upload a csv file in S3 according to the parameter s3_file (e.g. input/customers.csv).
    4. Run the task.
    5. Check the result.

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