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Building a stop() script


  1. Write the requestUndeployEsbTask script below to request Talend Runtime to undeploy ESB task specified in script:
    echo $"Un-deploying Talend ESB Task ...."
    # Read environment variable $esbtaskId.
    source /etc/environment
    # Build MetaServlet JSON script – requestUndeployEsbTask.
    metaservlet='{"actionName": "requestUndeployEsbTask","authPass": "admin","authUser": "","taskId": '$esbtaskId'}'
    # Run to encode “requestDeployEsbTask” script within Base64.
    metaservlet=`echo "$metaservlet" | /app/`
    # Execute REST Call to TAC MetaServlet with encoded string.
    curl -s 'http://{TACHost}:8080/org.talend.administrator/metaServlet?' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$metaservlet"
  2. Write the deleteEsbTask script below to delete undeployed ESB tasks.
    echo $"Deleting Talend ESB Task ...."
    # Build MetaServlet JSON script – deleteEsbTask, with $esbtaskId previously reading from environment variables
    metaservlet='{"actionName": "deleteEsbTask","authPass": "admin","authUser": "","taskId": '$esbtaskId'}'
    # Run to encode “requestDeployEsbTask” script within Base64.
    metaservlet=`echo "$metaservlet" | /app/`
    # Execute REST Call to TAC MetaServlet with encoded string.
    curl -s 'http://{TACHost}:8080/org.talend.administrator/metaServlet?' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$metaservlet"
  3. Write the removeServer script below to remove Talend Runtime server declaration from Talend Administration Center:
    echo $"Remove Talend Runtime server from TAC ...."
    # Build MetaServlet JSON script – removeServer, with $serverId previously reading from environment variables
    metaservlet='{"actionName": "removeServer","authPass": "admin","authUser": "","serverId": '$serverId'}'
    # Run to encode “requestDeployEsbTask” script within Base64.
    metaservlet=`echo "$metaservlet" | /app/`
    # Execute REST Call to TAC MetaServlet with encoded string.
    curl -s 'http://{TACHost}:8080/org.talend.administrator/metaServlet?' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$metaservlet"

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