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Update the route table


  1. On the Navigation pane, choose Subnets.
  2. Then select your first created subnet Public subnet eu-west-1a Talend ESB for eu-west-1a.
  3. Select the Route Table panel under the main panel.
  4. Click the Route Table rtb-7e89981a to open the route table.
    Information noteNote: Note that the name will certainly be different in your environment.
    This should open a new window with the selected route table.
  5. Select the route table then click the sub-panel Subnet Associations.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Check the subnet Public subnet eu-west-1b Talend ESB to associate it with the route table. Then, click Save.

    The subnet Public subnet eu-west-1b Talend ESB is now public and uses the same route table than subnet Public subnet eu-west-1a Talend ESB.

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