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Test the scaling policy of the Auto Scaling Group of Talend ESB

You will test the scaling policy Keep this group at its initial size with a size of 2 instances by trying to terminate a random instance in the Auto Scaling Group.


  1. Go to EC2 console and locate the instances launched by the Auto Scaling Group.
    You should have two running instances named AS Group - Talend ESB Instance:
  2. Select one of them, then click Actions > Instance State > Terminate to terminate the selected instance.
  3. While the instance is terminating, go to Auto Scaling > Auto Scaling Groups.
  4. Select the Talend ESB Auto Scaling group, then click the Activity History panel .
  5. Use the Refresh button to refresh the Activity History.

    After a few moment (it can take some minutes to refresh), you should see new events in the Activity History about Auto Scaling events.

    As you can in the screenshot, AWS has detected an instance termination and has automatically launched a new instance in replacement to keep the group at a size of 2 instances, as specified by the policy.

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