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ISnapshot Interface

Namespace: Qlik.Sense.Client.Snapshot
Assembly: Qlik.Sense.Client (in Qlik.Sense.Client.dll) Version:
public interface ISnapshot : IGenericBookmark, 
	IQixClassBase, IDisposable, IChangeNotifier

The ISnapshot type exposes the following members.

Public methodApply

Applies a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyAsync

Applies a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyAsync(AsyncHandle)

Applies a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyAsyncT(AsyncHandle, FuncResponse, T)

Applies a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyPatches

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties. 
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyPatchesAsync(IEnumerableNxPatch)

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties. 
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodApplyPatchesAsync(AsyncHandle, IEnumerableNxPatch)

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties. 
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetInfo


* the type of the object

* the identifier of the object

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetInfoAsync


* the type of the object

* the identifier of the object

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetInfoAsync(AsyncHandle)


* the type of the object

* the identifier of the object

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetInfoAsyncT(AsyncHandle, FuncResponse, T)


* the type of the object

* the identifier of the object

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetLayout

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetLayoutAsync

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetLayoutAsync(AsyncHandle)

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetLayoutAsyncT(AsyncHandle, FuncResponse, T)

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetProperties

Shows the properties of an object.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetPropertiesAsync

Shows the properties of an object.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle)

Shows the properties of an object.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodGetPropertiesAsyncT(AsyncHandle, FuncResponse, T)

Shows the properties of an object.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodPublish

Publishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodPublishAsync

Publishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodPublishAsync(AsyncHandle)

Publishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodResumeLayout
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodSetProperties

Sets some properties for a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodSetPropertiesAsync(GenericBookmarkProperties)

Sets some properties for a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodSetPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle, GenericBookmarkProperties)

Sets some properties for a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodSuspendLayout
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodUnPublish

Unpublishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodUnPublishAsync

Unpublishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public methodUnPublishAsync(AsyncHandle)

Unpublishes a bookmark.

(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public propertyBookmark
Reference to property Layout.Bookmark
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public propertyConsiderDirty
Forces send of GetProperties and GetLayout calls to engine for this object even when the layout and properties are up to date.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyConsideredDirty
Forces send of GetProperties and GetLayout calls to engine for this object even when the layout and properties are up to date. Resume normal behavior when disposed.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyHandle
The handle of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyId
The id of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyInfo
Reference to property Layout.Info
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public propertyIsClone
Reference to property Layout.IsClone
Public propertyMeta
Reference to property Layout.Meta
(Inherited from IGenericBookmark.)
Public propertyMetaAttributes
Reference to property Layout.Meta
Public propertyNxBookmark
Reference to property Layout.Bookmark
Public propertyNxInfo
Reference to property Layout.Info
Public propertyProperties
Public propertyQlikConnection
Reference to property Layout.Session
Public propertySheetId
Reference to property Layout.SheetId
Public propertySnapshotData
Reference to property Layout.SnapshotData
Public propertySourceObjectId
Reference to property Layout.SourceObjectId
Public propertyTimestamp
Reference to property Layout.Timestamp
Public propertyTitle
Reference to property Layout.Title
Public propertyType
The type of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyVisualizationType
Reference to property Layout.VisualizationType
Public eventChanged
This event fires when to notify subscribers that a change has occured.
(Inherited from IChangeNotifier.)
Public eventClosed
This event fires when the Qlik Sense entity has been removed or deleted.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
See Also