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NxInlineMeasureDef Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class NxInlineMeasureDef : AbstractStructure, 
	INxInlineMeasureDef, IAbstractStructure

The NxInlineMeasureDef type exposes the following members.

Public methodNxInlineMeasureDef
Creates an instance of the NxInlineMeasureDef class
Public methodAddT
Adds an element to the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodAsT
Retrieves a concrete object based on the abstract object structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetT(String)
Retrieves a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetT(String, T)
Retrieves a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetMemberT Obsolete.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetTypes
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetValues
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodIsSet
Checks if a property is actually set in the structrue
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodReadJson
Read the structure of the object from the argument reader.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodSetT
Sets a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodSetMemberT Obsolete.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodWriteJson
Write the full json structure of the object to the argument writer.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodIf (Defined by StructureExpressionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSwitch (Defined by StructureExpressionExtensions.)
Public propertyAccumulate
• 0 means no accumulation • 1 means full accumulation (each y-value accumulates all previous y-values of the expression) • ≥ 2 means accumulate as many steps as the qAccumulate value This parameter is optional. Default is 0.
Public propertyActiveExpression
Index of the active expression in a cyclic measure. The indexing starts from 0. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.
Public propertyAggrFunc
Aggregate function. For more information on the aggregate function syntax, see the section Working with Qlik Sense on the online help portal. The default value is 0 (Sum of rows) This parameter is optional.
Public propertyBrutalSum
If set to true, the sum of rows total should be used rather than real expression total. This parameter is optional and applies to straight tables. Default is false. If using the Qlik Sense interface, it means that the total mode is set to Expression Total.
Public propertyDef
Definition of the expression in the measure. Example: Sum (OrderTotal) This parameter is mandatory.
Public propertyDescription
Description of the measure. This parameter is optional. An empty string is returned as a default value.
Public propertyExpressions
Array of expressions. This parameter is used in case of cyclic measures (qGrouping is C). List of the expressions in the cyclic group.
Public propertyGrouping
Default value is no grouping. This parameter is optional.
Public propertyLabel
Name of the measure. This parameter is optional. An empty string is returned as a default value.
Public propertyNumFormat
Format of the field. This parameter is optional.
Public propertyRelative
If set to true, percentage values are returned instead of absolute numbers. This parameter is optional. Default is false.
Public propertyReverseSort
If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field.
Public propertyTags
Name connected to the measure that is used for search purposes. This parameter is optional. A measure can have several tags.
See Also