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NxAppLayout Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class NxAppLayout : AbstractStructure, 
	INxAppLayout, IAbstractStructure

The NxAppLayout type exposes the following members.

Public methodNxAppLayout
Creates an instance of the NxAppLayout class
Public methodAddT
Adds an element to the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodAsT
Retrieves a concrete object based on the abstract object structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetT(String)
Retrieves a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetT(String, T)
Retrieves a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetMemberT Obsolete.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetTypes
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodGetValues
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodIsSet
Checks if a property is actually set in the structrue
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodReadJson
Read the structure of the object from the argument reader.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodSetT
Sets a relative element of the abstract structure
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodSetMemberT Obsolete.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Public methodWriteJson
Write the full json structure of the object to the argument writer.
(Inherited from AbstractStructure.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodIf (Defined by StructureExpressionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSwitch (Defined by StructureExpressionExtensions.)
Public propertyFileName
Relative path of the app.
Public propertyHasData
Is set to true if the app contains data following a script reload.
Public propertyHasScript
Is set to true if a script is defined in the app.
Public propertyIsOpenedWithoutData
If set to true, it means that the app was opened without loading its data.
Public propertyLastReloadTime
Date and time of the last reload of the app in ISO format.
Public propertyLocaleInfo
Information about the locale.
Public propertyMeta
Information on publishing and permissions.
Public propertyModified
Is set to true if the app has been updated since the last save.
Public propertyReadOnly
If set to true, it means that the app is read-only.
Public propertyStateNames
Array of alternate states.
Public propertyTitle
Title of the app.
See Also