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IVariable Interface
This class describes all the methods that apply at variable level.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public interface IVariable : IQixClassBase, 

The IVariable type exposes the following members.

Public methodForceContent

Sets the value of a dual variable overriding any input constraints.

The ForceContent method does not evaluate any expression.
Public methodForceContentAsync

Sets the value of a dual variable overriding any input constraints.

The ForceContent method does not evaluate any expression.
Public methodGetContent

Returns the calculated value of a variable.

Public methodGetContentAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the calculated value of a variable.

Public methodGetContentAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the calculated value of a variable.

Public methodGetNxProperties

Gets the properties of a field or a variable.

Public methodGetNxPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle)

Gets the properties of a field or a variable.

Public methodGetNxPropertiesAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Gets the properties of a field or a variable.

Public methodGetRawContent

Returns the raw value of a variable.

Public methodGetRawContentAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the raw value of a variable.

Public methodGetRawContentAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the raw value of a variable.

Public methodSetContent

Sets a value to a variable.

Public methodSetContentAsync(String, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Sets a value to a variable.

Public methodSetContentAsyncT(String, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Sets a value to a variable.

Public methodSetNxProperties

Sets some properties to a variable.

Public methodSetNxPropertiesAsync

Sets some properties to a variable.

Public propertyHandle
The handle of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyId
The id of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyType
The type of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public eventChanged
This event fires every time the Qlik Sense entity needs to be updated due to changes in either selectionstate, data or entity properties
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public eventClosed
This event fires when the Qlik Sense entity has been removed or deleted.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
See Also