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IRange Interface

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public interface IRange

The IRange type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMax
Highest value in the range
Public propertyMaxInclEq
If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.
Public propertyMin
Lowest value in the range
Public propertyMinInclEq
If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.
See Also