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FileDataFormat Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public class FileDataFormat : IFileDataFormat

The FileDataFormat type exposes the following members.

Public methodFileDataFormat
Initializes a new instance of the FileDataFormat class
Public propertyCodePage
Character set used in the file.
Public propertyComment
String that marks the beginning of the comment line. Example: “#” or “//” The engine ignores the commented lines during the data load. This property is only used for delimited files.
Public propertyDelimiter
Information about the delimiter. This property is used for delimited files.
Public propertyFixedWidthDelimiters
Positions of the field breaks in the table. This property is used for fixed record data files.
Public propertyHeaderSize
Size of the header. Example: If the header size is 2, the first two rows in the file are considered as header and not as data. The header can contain the field names.
Public propertyIgnoreEOF
Is set to true, the end-of-file character is not taken into account during reload. This property is used for delimited files and fixed record data files.
Public propertyLabel
One of: embedded labels (field names are present in the file) no labels explicit labels (for DIFfiles)
Public propertyQuote
One of: None (no quotes) MSQ (Modern Style Quoting) Standard (quotes " " or ' ' can be used, but only if they are the first and last non blank characters of a field value.) This property is used for delimited files.
Public propertyRecordSize
Record length. Each record (row of data) contains a number of columns with a fixed field size. This property is used for fixed record data files.
Public propertyTabSize
Number of spaces that one tab character represents in the table file. This property is used for fixed record data files.
Public propertyType
Type of the file.
See Also