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HyperCubeDimensionqDef Properties

The HyperCubeDimensionqDef type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveField
Index of the active field in a cyclic dimension. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0. This parameter is used in case of cyclic dimensions (qGrouping is C).
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertyAutoSort
Public propertyCId
Public propertyFieldDefs
Array of field names. When creating a grouped dimension, more than one field name is defined. This parameter is optional.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertyFieldLabels
Array of field labels. This parameter is optional.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertyGrouping
Used to define a cyclic group or drill-down group. This parameter is optional. Default value is no grouping.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertyNumberPresentations
Defines the format of the value. This parameter is optional.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertyOthersLabel
Public propertyReverseSort
If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
Public propertySortCriterias
Defines the sorting criteria in the field. This parameter is optional. Default is to sort by alphabetical order, ascending.
(Inherited from NxInlineDimensionDef.)
See Also