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ExtendedCurrentSelection Properties

The ExtendedCurrentSelection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of fields in the current selection
Public propertyError
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyExtendsId
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyFieldNames
Get a list of field names in the current selection
Public propertyFields
Public propertyHandle
The handle of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from QixClassBase.)
Public propertyHasSoftPatches
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyId
The id of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from QixClassBase.)
Public propertyInfo
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyMeta
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyNxInfo
Public propertyNxLayoutErrors
Public propertyNxMeta
Public propertyNxSelectionInfo
Public propertyProperties
Public propertySelectionInfo
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertySession
The session this entity resides in.
(Inherited from QixClassBase.)
Public propertySuspendedLayout
Indicated that the subscriptions are suspended
(Inherited from GenericObject.)
Public propertyType
The type of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from QixClassBase.)
See Also