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NxMeasureInfo Properties

The NxMeasureInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApprMaxGlyphCount
Length of the longest value in the field.
Public propertyAttrExprInfo
List of attribute expressions.
Public propertyCardinal
Number of distinct field values.
Public propertyError
This parameter is optional. Gives information on the error.
Public propertyFallbackTitle
Corresponds to the label of the measure. If the label is not defined then the measure name is used.
Public propertyIsAutoFormat
This parameter is set to true if qNumFormat is set to U (unknown). The engine guesses the type of the field based on the field's expression.
Public propertyMax
Highest value in the range.
Public propertyMin
Lowest value in the range.
Public propertyNumFormat
Format of the field. This parameter is optional.
Public propertyReverseSort
If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field.
Public propertySortIndicator
Sort indicator. This parameter is optional. The default value is no sorting.
See Also