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INxStackedPivotCell Properties

The INxStackedPivotCell type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttrExps
Attribute expressions values.
Public propertyCanCollapse
If set to true, it means that the cell can be collapsed. This parameter is not returned if it is set to false.
Public propertyCanExpand
If set to true, it means that the cell can be expanded. This parameter is not returned if it is set to false.
Public propertyDown
Number of elements that are part of the next tail.
Public propertyElemNo
Rank number of the value If set to -1, it means that the value is not an element number.
Public propertyMaxPos
Total of the positive values in the current group of cells
Public propertyMinNeg
Total of the negative values in the current group of cells
Public propertyRow
Row index in the data matrix The indexing starts from 0.
Public propertySubNodes
Information about sub nodes (or sub cells) The array is empty [ ] when there is no sub nodes.
Public propertyText
Some text
Public propertyType
Type of the cell
Public propertyUp
Number of elements that are part of the previous tail.
Public propertyValue
Value of the cell Is set to NaN, if the value is not a number.
See Also