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ILocaleInfo Properties

The ILocaleInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBrokenWeeks
Is set to true if broken weeks are allowed in a year. According to ISO 8601, no broken weeks should be allowed. This property is not shown if set to false. If qBrokenWeeks is set to true, qReferenceDay is irrelevant. If this property has not been set in a script, the returned value comes from the Windows operating system.
Public propertyCalendarStrings
Information about the calendar.
Public propertyCollation
Locale name (following language tagging convention RFC 4646): <language>-<REGION> Where language is a lowercase ISO 639 language code REGION specifies an uppercase ISO 3166 country code. If this property has not been set in a script, the returned value comes from the Windows operating system.
Public propertyCurrentYear
Current year.
Public propertyDateFmt
Date format. Example: YYYY-MM-DD
Public propertyDecimalSep
Decimal separator.
Public propertyFirstMonthOfYear
First month of the year, starting from 1. According to ISO 8601, Januaryis the first month of the year. 1 = January 2 = February 12 = January If this property has not been set in a script, the returned value comes from the Windows operating system.
Public propertyFirstWeekDay
First day of the week, starting from 0. According to ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. 0 = Monday 1 = Tuesday .. 6 = Sunday If this property has not been set in a script, the returned value comes from the Windows operating system.
Public propertyListSep
List separator.
Public propertyMoneyDecimalSep
Money decimal separator.
Public propertyMoneyFmt
Money format. Example: #.##0,00 kr;-#.##0,00 kr
Public propertyMoneyThousandSep
Money thousand separator.
Public propertyReferenceDay
Day in the year that is always in week 1. According to ISO 8601, January 4th should always be part of the first week of the year (qReferenceDay=4). Recommended values are in the range 1 and 7. If this property has not been set in a script, the returned value comes from the Windows operating system. This property is not relevant if there are broken weeks in the year.
Public propertyThousandSep
Thousand separator.
Public propertyTimeFmt
Time format. Example: hh:mm:ss
Public propertyTimestampFmt
Time stamp format. Example: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fff]
See Also