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IDatabaseInfo Properties

The IDatabaseInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDBFirst
If set to true, it means that the database is displayed first, before the owners and tables.
Public propertyDBMSName
Name of the product accessed by the provider
Public propertyDBSeparator
Character string used after the database name Example with separator ".": FROM LinkedTablesData.dbo.Months Where: LinkedTablesData is the database name dbo is the owner name Months is the table name
Public propertyDBUsage
If set to true, it means that the data source contains some databases.
Public propertyDefaultDatabase
Name of the default database
Public propertyKeywords
List of the script keywords
Public propertyOwnerSeparator
Character string used after the owner name Example with separator ".": FROM LinkedTablesData.dbo.Months Where: LinkedTablesData is the database name dbo is the owner name Months is the table name
Public propertyOwnerUsage
If set to true, it means that the data source contains some owners.
Public propertyQuotePreffix
Prefix used with field, database or owner names that contain special characters or keywords.
Public propertyQuoteSuffix
Suffix used with field, database or owner names that contain special characters or keywords.
Public propertySpecialChars
List of the special characters
See Also